Monday, December 29, 2014

Time to Reflect and Shift

This is the time to stop and reflect upon the past and establish goals for the future. As educators, we are constantly reflecting and adjusting throughout the year, but often we lose sight of the long term goals.

Moving from elementary to middle school has been a fun and rewarding challenge. While I miss the young, enthusiastic sponges of the elementary students, I am enjoying getting to know them and discovering their deeper level thinking and the challenges of being an adolescent student. They keep me on my toes, and when they begin to understand a new concept, a magnificent celebration follows. Do I prefer one over the other? Not really, because the needs of each is so different, they are challenging and rewarding in very different ways. Now for my first goal – continue to build my understanding and experience as a secondary teacher beyond my own classroom.

Continuing my own studies in professional learning has been the most exciting and frustrating part of this past year. Having developed a deeper understanding of coaching teachers, digital learning spaces, leading in a school environment, policies and procedures, etc. has moved my thinking beyond the school walls. I have discovered a passion for helping those who help our students. Yet, I have not become involved beyond my school. Which brings me to my second goal – become involved by providing at least one professional learning course which expands beyond my school district.

Over the past few days, I’ve taken the time to catch up on reading the various publications and blogs which I subscribe to and once again an overwhelming feeling comes across me.  No wonder, there are so many things educators need to consider not only within the classroom to meet the various student needs, but also outside the classroom in order to remain current.  Should one focus more on critical thinking, problem solving, cultural diversity, communication skills, collaboration, questioning, building relationships, creating positive cultures, feedback, assessment, data, measuring student growth, differentiation, motivating students, project based learning, STEM, blended learning, flipped learning, close reading, creative or informational writing, professional development. How does one keep up and remain effective? My final goal – develop this blog from a self-reflection to sharing
strategies which will help fellow educators reach more students with my first focus on being a 21st century learner.

What are your goals? How can we work together to achieve them?

I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year filled with many ah-hah moments. 

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